Twenty plus videos taken in White Springs, including some Christmas parades, cloggers at a local festival, a soapbox derby, and random stuff around town
A bunch of videos of the Suwannee River. As the longest undammed river in the US, the river changes height by more than 25 feet.
November 2024
Our gopher Tortoise is a male (his bottom shell is concave), the vultures are here in force, and the cutest Lizard Lounge.
October 2024
Milton gave White Springs a reprieve from the Storm Cycle, and Gopher Tortoise is happy.
May 2024
Suwannee Hardware and Feed hosted an impressive festival on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend.
December 2023
Getting ready for Festival of Lights, the new signpost, some high water images, and some flowers.
December 2023
Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park is in White Springs, and the staff there put on the Festival of Lights each December.
November 2022
Suwannee Hardware and Feed put of this festival, bringing in many vendors and even more visitors to town
April 2014
The river was high, and it was beautiful as long as you were about the flood line.
January 2012
White Springs is along the banks of the Suwannee River. Here are some images of the river,
December 2010
Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park lights up in December.
May 2008
Some images from the Suwannee Bicycle Association's Pedal 'n' Paddle Festival
March 2008
The river was high, the azaleas were blooming, and the paddling on the river was fun!
June 2002
My first visit to White Springs, we floated down the Suwanne on Sharon's tandem kayak, then rode the old Gar Pond trail.